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Understanding Infostealers and Our Use of Public Information

We collect and process publicly available password data from infostealers to enhance user security by identifying compromised credentials. This helps users secure their accounts and stay informed about potential threats.

Understanding Infostealers and Our Use of Public Information

What Are Infostealers?


Infostealers are a type of malware designed to gather sensitive information from compromised systems. This can include login credentials, financial data, browser history, and more. Infostealers operate stealthily, often undetected by the user, and can transmit collected data back to malicious actors or public servers.


How We Use Public Information


     1. Data Collection from Public Servers:

        We gather passwords and other sensitive information that have been exposed on public servers. This data is often the result of breaches and leaks.

     2. Data Processing:

        Using automated scripts and data mining techniques, we parse the massive datasets to extract valuable information.

     3. Data Validation and Enrichment:

        The collected data is validated and cross-referenced with other sources to ensure accuracy and completeness. We may also enrich the data with additional context, such as identifying the source of the breach.

     4. Providing Value to Our Users:

        Our product leverages this processed data to enhance security measures for our users. By identifying compromised credentials, we can notify users and help them secure their accounts.

     5. Ethical and Legal Considerations:

        We operate within the boundaries of legal and ethical standards. Our focus is on improving security and awareness, not on exploiting the data for malicious purposes.



Infostealers pose a significant threat by exposing sensitive information. By collecting and processing this publicly available data, we aim to provide valuable insights and tools to help users protect their information and enhance their cybersecurity posture.